Data Center Industry in Virginia
Virginia is well-known as the largest data center market in the world and has seen significant economic development as a result of the industry’s investment in the Commonwealth. Data centers power our increasingly digital lives, but they also catalyze supply chain and service ecosystems in local Virginia communities, create jobs for thousands of construction professionals as facilities are built, and provide quality, high wage jobs to support ongoing operations. Learn more about how data centers in Virginia fuel our modern innovation economy, beyond providing enhanced connectivity.
Benefits Beyond Connectivity
Communities benefit from data center investment and continued development.
Local Tax Revenue
Data centers return as much as $13 in local tax revenue to fund schools, social services, and other priorities for every $1 they or their employees require in county services. [1]
Capital Investment
Data center companies collectively invested at least $37.8 billion in Virginia in FY 2022 and 2023. [2]
Job Creation
Data centers support and grow large ecosystems. There were 86,290 jobs created and supported by data centers in Virginia in 2021. [3]
Sources: [1] Northern Virginia Technology Council, The Impact of Data Centers on the State and Local Economies of Virginia, March 2022 [2] Virginia Department of Taxation and the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP), Data Centers in Virginia, November 2023 [3] PwC, Economic, Environmental, and Social Impacts of DataCenters in the United States, September 2023
Explore the Virginia Data Center Ecosystem
Data centers rely on a diverse and dynamic network of service providers, suppliers, and partners in every market where they operate. In fact, a recent report by global consulting firm PwC found that every job in the data center industry supports more than six additional jobs in the broader business ecosystem.
The map below features a variety of companies that support Virginia’s data center industry. Each company listing highlights the number of employees and the business growth that can be attributed to data center business.
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